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Adolescent Groups


Together, teens discover that therapy can be fun and they aren't alone--

They connect, find support, and discover they're more "normal" than they thought--others are navigating similar issues and experiences.


Ongoing Therapeutic Peer Support Groups (Coed/Girls/Boys):


Cost: $85/session (Sign up under Appointments)


This is similar to the six week teen group, however the intention is that the teens dictate what issues are discussed on any given week, based on what is most relevant to them as a group.  The purpose is for them to feel supported, acknowledged, and understood by their peers.  


Since this will be a drop-in group, it means a few things:  First, kids can come as often or as infrequent as they want.  I will be checking for signups the Friday prior to group in order to plan for the activities and food.


Minimum 3 teens / week to run the group.





Group therapy "Mug Shots" :)

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